Saturday 27 February 2021

Those ancient churches

 One of the things that I really love is Romanesque Architecture. 
Romanesque is the Mediaeval style of building that went before Gothic.  Most people know about Gothic. That is the style that churches are built in... with those distinctive, pointed church windows, and stained glass. The Victorians loved Gothic so much that they revived it, especially to build churches.
Well, before that, was Romanesque, a distinctive style that grew slowly out of memories of the Roman, and ornamented by local tradition.

On our trip to Italy in 2019, my sister Roberta and I discovered that Pisa, along with the Leaning Tower and the beautiful Duomo, has a fine collection of Romanesque churches.  We saw several of them, including one which had ornamental roundels along the eaves that were actually examples of the local glazed pottery dishes mortared into place. 

San Frediano, the University Church in Pisa

Here is my YouTube article on understanding and identifying Romanesque Architecture.


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